School of Business & Quality Management
Dr. Ying-Ying Liaob
academic title and school
Academic title
Associate Professor I Program Chair
School Affiliation
Contact Info

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Service Management - Service Quality
Service Failure & Recovery
Managing Human Resources in Services and Supply Chain Quality Management


PhD, University of Kent, UK
MSc, Shih-Chien University, Taiwan

Professional experience

Dr. Ying Ying Liao is an Assistant Professor at Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University and a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) the UK. Prior to her current appointment, she was an assistant professor and a programme director at the University of Liverpool (China Campus). She received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Kent (UK) and served as a post-doctoral researcher upon her graduation. She has been actively involved in several research activities internationally including joint Ph.D. supervision, EMBA external examiner, committee member of international conferences, and ad hoc reviewer for several high-quality international journals (e.g. TQM&BE, etc.) and conferences (e.g. AMA, AoM, etc). She has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, presented papers in international conferences and contributed chapters to several edited books. Her main teaching areas include service quality, total quality management, and business excellence.

Recent publications

  • Rashidirad, M., Soltani, E., Salimian, H. & Liao, Y., 2015, ‘The applicability of Grant’s framework in the dynamic digital age: a review and agenda for future research’, European Business Review, vol. 27, no.6, pp.656-678.
  • Soltani, E., K. Ahmed, P., Ying Liao, Y. & Anosike, U. P., 2014, ‘Qualitative middle-range research in operations management: the need for theory-driven empirical inquiry’. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 34, no.8, pp.1003-1027.
  • Soltani, E., Syed, J., Liao, Y.Y. & Iqbal, A., 2015, Managerial mindsets toward corporate social responsibility: The case of auto industry in Iran. Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 129, no.4, pp.795-810.
  • Liao, Y.Y. & Soltnai E. 2017, ‘A qualitative study of quality improvement in telecom industry: the primacy of management’, Paper presented to the  27th international conference on the Pacific Rim Management, California State University, Los Angles, USA. 27 -29 July.
  • Soltani, E., Liao, Y.Y. & Iqbal, A. 2017, 'Employee participation under ISO/TQM factory regimes: The case of ISO certified organizations in the Middle East region’,  paper presented to the 14th International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2017), Hiroshima, Japan, 04-06 July  2017.
  • Soltani, E., Liao, Y.Y. & Iqbal, A. 2017, ‘A Context-Specific Perspective of HR Performance Management in Quality-Oriented Organizational Contexts’, paper presented to the 21st International Conference on ISO & TQM (21-ICIT), Zhuhai, CHINA, 14-16 April 2017.
  • Soltani, E., Liao, Y. Y. & Iqbal, A. 2016, ‘The paradox of performance management in TQM-oriented organizations: some empirical evidence’, paper presented to the 2016 7th International Conference of the Association of Global Management Studies (ICAGMS), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20-21 June 2016.
  • Liao, Y. Y.  & Soltani, E. 2016, ‘The quality effects of Inter-firm relationships on a global scale: Some qualitative evidence’, paper presented to the International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2016), Nagoya, Japan,  3-5 July 2016.
  • Soltani, E. & Liao, Y.Y. 2016, ‘The challenge of HR performance management: A TQM perspective’, paper presented to the 4th international conference on Business Economics, Marketing & Management Research, Monastir, Tunisia, 4-6 November 2016. 
  • Al-Ma’aitah, N. A., Soltani, E. & Liao, Y.Y. 2015, ‘Supply chain relationship and its resulting outcomes for quality in the Middle East context: A cultural perspective’, paper presented to the Innovation Arabia 8, Dubai, UAE, 16-18 Feb 2015.