Short description
Deadline for Application: September 30, 2024

These awards are given for proven excellence related to e-Learning in the Arab World.
description & image

The HBMSU e-Learning Excellence Awards are established to recognize outstanding achievements in the field of e-learning made by both organizations and/or individuals in the Arab World. They celebrate innovations and excellence and showcase best practices and projects which have had significant contribution to the e-learning industry in the region.

The Best Research Paper for Smart Learning Implementation
The Best Research Paper tackling the Implementation of e-Learning in the Arab World Award has been established with the purpose of honoring the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit dealing with a particular subject area related to e-learning implementation in the Arab World.

Manuscript requirements

  • The research should be original and has not been submitted for publication or recognition of any kind.
  • The Research must to be typed out in A4 format and submitted in electronic format as a Microsoft format, and the main subject headings in 14 bold, subheading in 14, and the body in 12, Times New Roman font
  • Research length should be between 2,000 and 7,000 words.
  • Research title should be provided; not exceeding ten words.
  • A brief resume of the author should be supplied including full name, affiliation, e-mail address and full international contact details.
  • A structured abstract, with a maximum of 250 words, set out under the following sub-headings is to be provided - Purpose, Methodology/Approach, Findings, research & practical limitations/implications, if applicable, originality/value of paper
  • Up to 6 keywords that encapsulate the key topics of the paper
  • Notes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers, enclosed in square brackets and listed at the end of the article.


  • References to other publications should be completed in line with the Harvard Citation Style Manual.

The Best Designed Smart Learning Course Award
The Best Designed e-Learning Course is established to recognize creativity and innovation in the design and development of online courses in the Arab World.  The Best Designed Smart Learning Course designs are selected according to the following criteria:

  • Degree of innovation, 
  • Aesthetic qualities, 
  • Functionality and usefulness 
  • Ease of realization and 
  • Efficiency, ergonomics and human interaction.

Outstanding Individual Achievement in Smart Learning Award
This award recognizes individuals for their leadership and contribution to the field of e-learning in the Arab world, either over a number of years or for achieving a significant positive change. Individuals must demonstrate that they have made significant contributions and back it up with testimonials and other supporting evidence. Both quantitative and qualitative evidence will be taken into account.

Since an international panel will be judging the applications for the award in terms of e-Learning Excellence, applications must be submitted in English.

Applications for nominations should be sent by email to awards ~3#$A~ hbmsu &D06s& ac &D06s& ae

For more information, please contact us on +9714-4241041

Award Winners


Lifelong Learning Department, UA
awards ~3#$A~