Juran Chair

Joseph Juran

TQM Research

The Juran Chair is a manifestation of the University’s pioneering endeavors in the niche field of TQM Research. By setting up the Juran Chair in Total Quality Management, the first chair of its kind in the Arab World and the first to bear the name of Joseph Juran (the father of the quality movement) in the world, it encourages the implementation of  Total Quality Management (TQM) in all organizations regardless of size, background and resource levels through the publishing of guidelines, development of methodologies and the provision of back-up and support.

Modus Operandi

The Juran Chair has adopted a scientific and rigorous approach to create awareness and education about TQM principles and the philosophies and teachings of Dr. Joseph Juran and other eminent gurus. It encourages and facilitates the implementation of TQM in all organizations regardless of size, background and resource levels through the publishing of guidelines, development of methodologies and the provision of back-up and support.

The Juran Chair Conducts research on critical factors that facilitate and/or inhibit TQM implementation in the Arab World and develops practical solutions to enable its adoption and implementation. It organizes events, seminars and conferences to encourage the sharing of best practice and to address key issues related to TQM implementation in the Arab World.

The Juran Chair ensures that there are ample publications and key readings on TQM, through publishing original work in the Arab World and the translation of reference books such as those published by Dr. Juran. It develops and keeps a close working relationship with the Juran Institute and ensures that through an effective partnership, useful products and services are put in place for the benefit of Arab countries.

Appointment Process

  • The appointment is made through a special consideration involving the Chairman of the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University Advisory Board who makes the recommendation for approval to the Board of Governors of the University.

  • The period of appointment of the Juran Chair is five years in the first instance.

  • The appointed Chair holder may have the period of appointment extended or renewed for an additional five year term.

  • Renewal of the appointment period is based on satisfactory performance and a complete review of the various activities undertaken during the period itself and the outcomes achieved.

  • The Chair holder is expected to conduct 'inaugural seminars' throughout the Arab World to promote Dr. Juran's philosophy, other gurus' teachings and the benefits of the Chair.

  • The Chair holder must promote original research on TQM issues and experiences in the Arab World at an international level in key annual symposia and conferences such as International Academy for Quality (IAQ) meetings, American Society for Quality (ASQ) and others.

  • The Chair holder must publish case studies and empirically-based research on TQM in The Arab World at an international level.

  • The Chair holder must work closely with the Juran Institute and other important associations for the benefit of promoting TQM in the Arab World.

  • The Chair holder must work unfailingly to encourage and facilitate the awareness, education and knowledge sharing amongst Arab countries on all aspects related to quality and its implementation.

  • The Chair holder must work for the benefit of ALL those concerned with the education, training, implementation and support of TQM in the Arab World;

  • The Chair holder must use ethical conduct all the time and should not bring the name of the Chair in disrepute at any time.

  • The Chair holder must uphold the highest standard of professionalism and integrity whilst discharging his/her responsibilities.