Here’s what our learners have to say about HBMSU and its offerings

Bachelor of Business and Quality Management

I believe here in HBMSU we are so pampered to the extent that we got used to (a) great level of service: if I call an instructor I always get a call back from the operator checking if I was reached if I need something from IT any time they respond back even if its late night and on different mediums. If I register in a course with certain timing and deliverables they remain SAME till the end, if I need help I get it from anywhere and anyone, if I have registration issues I always get the callback, we always get reminders, news, emails, calls, sawti, etc. just to make sure we don't miss the date.

Be an Online Tutor in 24 Hours

A great initiative to prepare us for what promises to be an interesting time in the progression of E-Learning

Be an Online Tutor in 24 Hours

100% of Arabic team at Horizon international school have done this and are using thier spring holiday to do more online Courses to support our students distance learning, I recommend it to all teachers so useful thanks to HBMSU.

Master of Science in Innovation and Change Management

My education at HBMSU inspired me to innovate and implement change management methods to lead my own business. And with smart learning, I was able to manage when, where and how I learnt.

Master of Science in Innovation and Change Management

The best thing about studying in a smart university is the freedom to be a mother, a student and an employee. I was able to pursue my dreams through a program that was both flexible and convenient for my schedule

Be an Online Tutor in 24 Hours

Thank You So much to give us this excellent opportunity to become a part of theory behind online learning programs and we wish it will implement soon and we can get so many online courses well

Be an Online Tutor in 24 Hours

Just finished the course it’s so useful. @HBMSU thank you for the opportunity. It will be a great help for conducting effective lessons on e learning.

Be an Online Tutor in 24 Hours

A great initiative to prepare teachers for E-learning and virtual classrooms

Be an Online Tutor in 24 Hours

A very systematic and step to step approach. Google classroom already in action .